
Table of Contents (Online Help)


ATM/ POS Configurations

This page deals with accounting for ATM/POS transactions, from income on sales of cards to costs of transactions, the charges to pay to the ATM/POS supplier as well as Excise duty payments.

Before an MFI can use the credit and debit card feature, the MFI needs to obtain an ATM Issuer Identification number and an MFI Identification number provided by the ATM Service provider. These numbers will have to be entered in the appropriate fields under System/ Configuration/General. 

How do we configure ATM/POS transactions?

To configure ATM/POS transactions, go to System/Configuration/Savings/ ATM\POS configuration, the following screen appears:

POS Transaction fees:

These are fees for designated POS transactions: The user will be required to select the charge type (percentage/ flat) for the different fees / charges and a corresponding General Ledger account to which the fees/ charges will be booked just as above.

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